Introducing the SOH Pure Aerial Sanitiser. A one-of-a-kind aerial sanitation solution for indoor spaces. Made using our innovative cold-air micro-mist diffusion system.
Our system is an “always-on” air sanitiser, intended for continuous effective use. Unlike air purifiers, which filter or trap particles within the circulation, air sanitisers can act on airborne microorganisms in open interior spaces. In essence, a circulating air purifier will take significant time to treat a sneeze or cough generated pathogenic. SOH Pure Aerial solutions on the other hand, when maintained at the correct homogeneous concentration, treat the entire air volume within minutes. Our sanitising systems are more than simple air fresheners used to fragrance the room. The solution they contain has known antimicrobial properties, with ingredients that define how clean and sanitised air should smell.
Our system works well in all spaces, especially those where airborne contagions pose a significant risk. These include medical facilities, such as doctors’ waiting rooms and
hospitals. As well as places of communal gathering like homes, classrooms, offices, and retail stores.
Our standard residential aerial sanitising unit is the Roma Resi. It can be used in a car (if requested) through a standard 12V outlet or in your home, as it comes. Our systems and sanitisation solutions can be bought online as required.
Our systems are easily controlled and navigated with our convenient app, available on the Google Play or Apple App store.
Our Roma Resi units are a once-off cost. When purchasing the unit, it will not come prefilled. Once your SOH Pure liquid has depleted, you can order a refill online.
© 2025 SOH Pure | Website by Brand Candy
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Founded in 1944, our mission is to protect and improve global human health. Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to us to facilitate the development of public health standards and certifications that help protect food, water, consumer products and the environment. As an independent, accredited organization, we test, audit and certify products and systems as well as provide education and risk management.
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Aseptic info:
approved clinically clean ,medical grade disinfectant